
GEN 00001
Published On: 09/18/2024

Question: Please discuss/elaborate on any REC certificate requirements which the customer will require allowing for effective REC consideration (ex CRS listing is or isn’t required).

Answer: Any RECs proposed must settle within the M-RETS system and must qualify under the Minnesota RPS for counting towards the Company’s compliance requirement.


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AGR 00001
Published On: 09/06/2024

Question: One of the requirements spelled out in Appendix B is the provision of audited financial statements or information related to Tangible Net Worth, Debt, Operating Income, and Net Income. Our company has such information, but we are unable to share it without confidentiality agreements in place. Is it possible to implement such an agreement so our information may be shared? Alternatively, we would be open to evaluating alternative ways for the RFP Manager to determine appropriate collateral levels.

Answer: The requirements stated in the Pre-Qualification Application (Appendix B) related to the provision of audited financial statements or information related to Tangible Net Worth, Debt, Operating Income, and Net Income are associated with providing "credit support from a suitable corporate guarantor" as specified in Section 5.7 of the RFP.

In order to be a suitable corporate guarantor, the entity must meet the criteria as stated in the "Bidder Eligibility Requirements" which specifies having been "[r]ated by S&P, Moody’s, or Fitch with an investment grade or higher rating." If the bidder is unable to meet this requirement or chooses not to advance a suitable corporate guarantor as part of its proposal, then it must commit to post a letter of credit or surety bond from an investment grade or higher from a financial institution. In this case, the information requested in the prequalification is not applicable to your proposal. If so, please make a note that it is "N/A" in the prequalification application response.

RFP Rules

RUL 00001
Published On: 08/21/2024

Question: Is the buyer willing to consider an offer that includes only REC’s with accompanying Grid Energy, specifically excluding capacity/ZRC’s?

Answer: Offers for energy may be accompanied by corresponding REC quantities. Energy offers will be considered separately from offers for capacity/ZRCs, which are not required to be bid alongside energy.

RUL 00002
Published On: 09/06/2024

Question: Is the buyer willing to consider ZRCs originating from Demand Response?

Answer: There is no restriction with respect to the source of the ZRCs. ZRCs from Demand Response are eligible to participate in this RFP. All ZRCs have to meet the requirements outlined in the RFP.

RUL 00003
Published On: 09/16/2024

Question: Does your RFP want us to bid Battery Storage

Answer: The RFP requests ZRCs, specifically, with a 50 ZRC minimum and/or energy with a minimum block of 50 MW according to the two requested schedules (5x16, 24x7). Amounts above this minimum block level can be bid in 25 ZRC/MW increments. The RFP is not requesting any specific technology or resource, rather, it is solely focused on fulfilling short-term capacity (ZRC) and energy requirements.